1969 三個由台灣移民來的家庭在林安樂牧師帶領下成立“阿克隆台語家庭聚會”,開始在家中聚會。1969 Pastor Andrew (AnLe) Lim started the “Akron Taiwanese Family Fellowship” with three immigrant families from Taiwan.
1972 家庭聚會開始在 The Chapel 聚會,稱為“阿克隆查經班”。1972 The families began to gather at The Chapel as the “Akron Bible Study Group”.
1974 “阿克隆查經班”改名為“愛克隆華人查經班”,也就是愛城華人基督教會的前身。1974 The name was changed to “Akron Chinese Bible Study Group”, predecessor of “Akron Chinese Christian Church”.
1987 十月十三日正式立案,在俄亥俄州政府註冊為“愛城華人基督教會”。1987 October 13, Registered with the Ohio government as the “Akron Chinese Christian Church”.
1996 聘請宋秉鐳牧師為教會成立後第一位全職牧師。1996 Pastor Ray Sung became the church’s first full time pastor.
2002 聘请施赖纳來帶領愛城華人基督教會的靑少年。2002 Todd Schreiner began leading the ACCC youth group.
2012 聘請王偉齡牧師為顧問牧師。宋秉鐳牧師退休。2012 Pastor Wei-Ling Wang began to serve as a consultant Pastor. Pastor Ray Sung retired.
2013 聘請王偉齡牧師為愛城華人基督教會主任牧師。2013 Invited Pastor Wei-Ling Wang to be the Senior Pastor.
2014 王牧師到職帶領教會跟隨主行。2014 Pastor Wang began his service and led the church to follow Christ.
2015 一月起施赖纳成为 The Chapel 的宣教牧师,不再負責愛城華人基督教會的靑少年事工。2015 January Todd Schreiner became Pastor of Outreach at The Chapel, ending his service with the ACCC youth group.
2016 八月一日起聘請諸大衛牧師為助理牧師。2016 August 1, Pastor David Doty began serving as the Assistant Pastor.
2018 二月十七日 王偉齡牧師卸任主任牧師。2018 February 17, Paster Wei-Ling Wang released his duty as the Senior Pastor.
2018年5月25日聘請麥陶德牧師成為愛城華人基督教會臨時主任牧師。2018 May 25, Pastor Todd McKenney began leading this church as the interim Senior Pastor.
2019年12月29日,Dave Doty牧師卸任助理牧師職位。2019 December 29, Pastor Doty released his duty as Assistant Pastor.