中文學校 Chinese School

联系学校([email protected]

爱城中文學校 Akron Chinese School


爱城中文学校2024-2025年度秋季招生现在开始。爱城中文学校成立于2014年10月5号,在爱城大学旁边的爱城华人基督教会内,为Summit County, AKRON, CANTON和Medina 地区家庭提供中文教育平台。学校提供从学前班到高中的中文教学。学校以美国编辑出版的马立平教材为主,配合多媒体辅助教材,采取小班教授的方式。根据需要,部分班级配有班主任老师和助理老师以确保教授质量。班主任老师均由中国或美国教育体系认证的专业教师担任,具有多年的教学经验。多数教师为爱城华人基督教会的成员,在教授知识的同时又关注学生的心灵成长和爱心培养。学校同时提供各项活动欢迎等待的家长参与,如健身操,各种球类运动,查经班,和百家讲坛等。爱城中文学校期待于您共同度过快乐的,充满上帝祝福的学年。

Akron Chinese School (ACS) is enrolling students for the 2024-2025 school year.  Located next to the University of Akron, a Sunday afternoon only school, ACS was founded in 2014 and is affiliated with Akron Chinese Christian Church (ACCC) to meet the Chinese language education needs of families in Akron, Canton, Medina and greater Summit County areas. Textbooks designed for students who grow up in US to learn Chinese and published in California by Liping Ma are used. Multi-media assisted teaching in small classes (up to 12 students per class) is our way to provide high quality education experience.  Classes at max capacity have a teacher and an assistant teacher. Teachers are either Ohio certified Chinese teachers from local school districts or had multiple years of k-12 school teaching experience in China. Most teachers are also members of ACCC. In addition to teaching Chinese language, they also care for the spiritual needs of students if needed and help them build characters. Our school also provides various activities for parents while the children are in class, such as ping-pong, basketball, volleyball, badminton, Bible study.

email联系中文学校:[email protected]

  2024-2025 school year calendar
2024 Sept– 8, 15, 22,29
2024 Oct– 6, 13, 20, 27
2024 Nov– 3, 10, 17, 24
2024 Dec– 8, 15
2025 Jan– 5, 12, 19, 26
2025 Feb– 2, 9, 16, 23
2025 Mar– 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
2025 Apr– 6, 13, 27
2025 May– 4, 11, 18
学前班 (1-3pm):  徐老师 /陈老师, 264 房间 
一年级 (1-3pm):  夏老师, 202 房间
二年级(1-3pm):  雷老师, 363 房间
三年级(1-3pm ):  钱老师,260 房间
四年级 (1-3 pm):   2024-25 学年暂停
五年级(1-3pm)     :  陈老师, 204 房间
六年级(1-3 pm)     :  雅晶老师, 265 房间
八年级 / 中文AP班(3-5 pm): 陈老师, 204房间
中文学校注册表,注册之前,请务必阅读注册信息(Registration Information for School Year 2024-2025) 2024-2025注册表/Registration form.
点此网上交学费/Click here to pay tuition for 2024-2025 School Year